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What is the use of checkweigher machine?

A checkweigher is a mass Weighing Machine that allows manufacturers to weigh all products passing through a production line, identify and remove underweight or overweight products from the line, or sort them into designated weight areas (Sorting scales) at high speed. checkweighers are usually placed at the end of the production line to ensure that product weights are within a specified range, and any products that are out of tolerance are automatically removed from the line.

checkweighers can also be used for quality control during the manufacturing process to ensure that products meet the required weight. This ensures that the correct weight of product enters the market, thereby achieving customer satisfaction and brand value at the best cost.

Checkweighers are beneficial to any industry that produces goods. They are used by many industries such as food, beverages, fast-moving consumer goods, home and personal care, agriculture, food processing, bagged foods, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, co-packers, logistics, warehouses, retail, etc.

Common uses for checkweighers include:

Determine if a product is overweight or underweight

Verify quantity by weight by checking for missing cartons, bottles, etc.

Sort products into weight zones

Measure and report line efficiency

Ensure compliance with weights and measures regulations and net content methods

Overall, manufacturing, packaging and processing companies use checkweighers to prevent overweight or underweight products from entering the market. By doing so, manufacturers can avoid recalls or deal with consumer complaints about their products, thereby maintaining customer satisfaction and brand reputation.

Upper management or production managers can obtain complete production data with weights to analyze line efficiency, quickly helping to make decisions and take corrective actions. For example, upper management can analyze if the primary packaging machine is continuously filling batches of overweight products and adjust the machine weighing parameters accordingly. Alternatively, the checkweigher can also directly signal the primary packaging machine to adjust the product weight by "x" grams more or less using the Warade checkweigher's trend control function.

Overall, this ROI-friendly machine is the perfect quality control mechanism on your production line, rejecting overweight or underweight products and providing you with data to analyze the efficiency of your production line in real time.

Zhuoyue Automation System offers a range of reliable and cost-effective checkweigher products with a weight range from 1 gram to 100 kg that can be seamlessly integrated into your production line. If you would like to learn more about our range of checkweighers, you can choose your preferred time period for a free consultation. Thank you!



Contact: Lucy.LIU

Phone: +86 18015050705

Tel: +86 18915820705

Email: liujinting@zyweigh.com

Add: No. 166, Hanjiang West Road, Xinbei District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province

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